For our last project we had to do a PSA series ( public service announcements ). I decided to go humourus for this one and go with a Star Wars theme...
First up... Safe Sex with Darth Vader
Second one I did was for spaying and neutering your pets ( pretty much same as safe sex but for pets), with everyone's favorite ( sarcasm inserted here), EWOKS!
For my latest and greatest GD2 project I had to do a typographical illustration to go along with my magazine cover and spread on a "how to" about typographical illustration. I chose the subject of The Doctor ( as played by Matt Smith ), here's my result....
Latest GD2 project is a cover and 2 page spread for HOW magazine. This would encompass a tutorial on a graphic design technique in which we would design the cover and spread to work with that tutorial.
Im doing "Typographical Illustrations" , so my cover uses that technique. This is a screenshot of what I have so far.