Sunday, September 26, 2010

Travel design...

Fingers crossed this is my final design for my travel brochure. I really like how it turned out, though Im sure if this was something I had a lot more time to do, I could of made it a lot more informative and tighter design wise. Not that I don't think its a great design, but great design takes time.. more time that a class schedule can allow.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

almost done with travel brochure

Ok worked all night and am now almost done with my travel brochure project. This one has been lots of fun to do and challenging... just how I like it  :)
Anyway it's late so here it is...
cover first...than each two after that would be the inside spreads...last image is the back cover ( not finished yet )

GD2 Travel Brochure Project

Our newest project in GD2 is for a Travel Brochure. I chose Australia as my destination and am striving to make it a well design brochure, but also one thats more modern and cutting edge. I looked at many examples of travel brochures and found out that most of them have one very important thing in common.. THEY SUCKED! lol

Here's what I have so far... cover ( not completely done yet ) and the first inside spread ( still a work in progress but close to done )

Sharing a link

Drop Caps

Just wanted to share

Just wanted to share a link I found to some high quality paper textures one can use in their design work... :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Graphic Design 2 - 3rd project - Menu

For our third project we had to do a mock menu. Could be a real or made up restaurant, so I went with made up... Chuck's Cheeseburger Shack!  =)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

GD2 project 2 Typography version 2

I also did a more simple version, that came to me out of the blue while I was watching a movie. I was just like... HEYyyy this is a good idea!! lol
Using a crossword puzzle as the lead in...

GD2 project 2 Typography

Here's my first version of our typography project... it's a bit more complex than the second one I just finished...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Graphic Design Class- Project 2

For our second project we are doing a Typography exercise, taking a block of text and putting it in a two page spread in an eye pleasing fashion.
Here's a screen shot of what Ive got so far for my design...