For our last project we had to do a PSA series ( public service announcements ). I decided to go humourus for this one and go with a Star Wars theme...
First up... Safe Sex with Darth Vader
Second one I did was for spaying and neutering your pets ( pretty much same as safe sex but for pets), with everyone's favorite ( sarcasm inserted here), EWOKS!
For my latest and greatest GD2 project I had to do a typographical illustration to go along with my magazine cover and spread on a "how to" about typographical illustration. I chose the subject of The Doctor ( as played by Matt Smith ), here's my result....
Latest GD2 project is a cover and 2 page spread for HOW magazine. This would encompass a tutorial on a graphic design technique in which we would design the cover and spread to work with that tutorial.
Im doing "Typographical Illustrations" , so my cover uses that technique. This is a screenshot of what I have so far.
Fingers crossed this is my final design for my travel brochure. I really like how it turned out, though Im sure if this was something I had a lot more time to do, I could of made it a lot more informative and tighter design wise. Not that I don't think its a great design, but great design takes time.. more time that a class schedule can allow.
Ok worked all night and am now almost done with my travel brochure project. This one has been lots of fun to do and challenging... just how I like it :)
Anyway it's late so here it is...
cover first...than each two after that would be the inside spreads...last image is the back cover ( not finished yet )